Sunday, April 13, 2008

Month 11 in Review.... by Evan's mom

Why is it that I've only managed to post "teeth" pictures lately? I guess being the mommy of a crawlin' and crazy 11 month old leaves little time for blogging! Here's his latest teeth (these three bring the total to 5):

Let's see, what's new? He's crawling everywhere and still working on the coordination to stand unassisted. Loves to walk using the couch, cabinets, walls, mommy, daddy, his lion toy, pretty much anything that doesn't move away faster than he can go (like the kitties.)

He's eating lots of "big boy" food... dried fruit & veggies are the latest craze... grilled cheese sandwiches, sliced lunch meat, yogurt, that sort of thing. Finger foods are a big hit, even if they take forever to eat. We're still nursing, although many days he's too busy and active to nurse often.

He's trying to talk and gets "MaMa" and "DaDa" out at more-or-less appropriate times. Twice he's said "doggie" very clearly and directed at dogs.... once he's said "kitty." Pretty much it's just babble for now.

Somehow he's getting skinnier by the day (ok, not really, it just seems like it). As he gets taller and crawls a lot, he has been thinning down which is pretty typical. Long and lean like daddy. His pants just hang off him if they're long enough (one of his teachers said he needs to borrow some butt from his Godbrother John) :)

Evan's 1st birthday is just around the corner. That will be such a huge milestone for us all!