Monday, January 28, 2008

Month 9 in review... by Evan

The weeks are all running together, so I'm switching to a monthly update. Mommy doesn't count my age in weeks anymore, so it seems to make sense to her too.

Let's see, since last time, there has been Christmas with the Mitchells (Grandmommy, Granddaddy, Aunt Lynda, and Uncle Ed).

LSU won the championship....

Mommy has gone back to work and I have started school. I'm the oldest in my class, and am the only one trying to move all over the place, so I keep Ms Kara and Ms Samantha on their toes.

My biggest accomplishments lately have been standing and pulling up. I will try to pull up on anything that's in reach... the crib, toys, furniture, mommy, daddy, etc.

Getting a little closer to crawling, but I still may not do that at all and skip right to walking. Oh, and teeth? Who needs teeth? There might be one trying to come in on the bottom, but it's looked and felt the same for 3 weeks now. Hmmm.

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