Thursday, May 31, 2007

Week 4 in Review... by Evan

It's been one of those weeks, doesn't my face say it all? All of Mommy's friends are reassuring her this is part of those phases babies go thru... crying, gasy, the works.... not all the typical stuff of colic... but enough to make Mommy wonder. It's not much fun for me either, but I think Mom actually gets more upset than me by the crying.

Let's see, other than being cranky, what have I done this last week? My Grandparents were here last week and left on Monday. It was great to have them here, and they really helped out Mommy by holding me, taking care of the house and making meals.

More folks from church brought us dinners too, which Mom & Dad really seemed to like.

My favorite things this week have been:
- Swinging in the hammock with Mommy
- Long walks, short walks... anything outside
- BBQing with the Hulings for Memorial Day

My least favorite things were:
- Tummy pain

My new accomplishments:
- My Aunt Lynda & Uncle Ed will hate this.... but sometimes I make a little "hook 'em horns" sign... trust me it's involuntary, but I need to figure out a "Gig 'em" soon or I may be disowned by them. =)

Mommy's Turn............ I can't believe it's been 4 weeks already! Wow! What a ride.

Friday, May 25, 2007

Week 3 in Review... by Evan

Last week, I worked really hard at not letting Mommy sleep, but this week I've been perfecting it. No napping either. Ha~ Ok, I'm not really out to get her, but some days she probably thinks I am. Truth is, I just have so much fun having her all to myself now that it's just the 2 of us during the day, that I don't want to miss out on anything. Grandma & Grandpa Hunt showed up yesterday, so I guess I'll have to nap and be the little Angel that Mommy says I have been.

This week, mommy and daddy bought me my first new car. Ok, they say I'm too young to drive, but I'm very talented already, I'm sure it won't be long til I'm cruzin the hood!

My favorite things this week have been:
- Driving my new Prius (don't tell Mom and Dad.... they think I'm too young)
- Meeting Grandma and Grandpa Hunt in person
- Having visits from lots of our church buddies..... they brought dinners for Mom & Dad.... which made them very happy and grateful to have such wonderful friends
- Eating every 2 hours.... I feel a growth spurt coming on!

My least favorite things were:
- Naps.... who needs them when you're a big boy like me?
- A trip to the mall with mommy.... I'm definitely "all boy" and hate shopping.... but shopping for a car was different, that's ok for us boys to like!

My new accomplishments:
- I was 7# 6oz at my "2 week" appointment last Friday. Since my birth weight was only 6# 7oz, that's a big gain in a short time. No wonder I look a little chunky in these pictures.... oh wait, only girls worry about their weight.
- Still working at holding up my head.... it's a big melon on a little stalk, but I'll get control of it soon.
- I rolled from my back to my tummy this week.... but Mom thinks it was an accident, cuz she left me on the couch and I rolled toward the cushions... gravity may have played a bigger role in that than I did.

Thursday, May 17, 2007

Week 2 in Review... by Evan

Hi again~
Sorry about the sideways picture, but Mommy still hasn't figured out the glitch, so that's what we get. As you can see, I've graduated to the Big Boy Bathtub and had my first real bath today now that my belly button (among other things) is completely healed.

This week has been fun for me, cuz I've found out that Mommy will stay up with me at night as long as I want her to. The way I found this out, is I started getting really hungry at night, and waking her up every couple hours. It takes me about an hour to eat, then I sleep an hour (or less if I really want attention), then I wake her up for more food. Luckily, I'm so cute that she puts up with my shenanigans. I usually give in and let her have a nap later in the morning... just to keep her sane. =)

My favorite things this week have been:
- Keeping Mommy up at night.
- Playing outside in the grass with the kitties (well, they play with me while I lay there)
- Meeting Mommy & Daddy's friends who have brought us dinners this week. Thanks!
- Celebrating Mommy's first Mother's Day. I gave her a beautiful emerald necklace and matching earrings cuz that's my birthstone. Daddy said it would make her cry, and he was right. Score one for the Boys!

I was such a happy baby this week, that I can't think of any least favorites....

My new accomplishments:
- I'm starting to try to hold my head up.... not quite successful yet, but I try.
- I'm eating like a champ.... tomorrow I go to the pediatrician to see if I've gotten bigger yet!

A Note from Mommy: Evan is such a sweet angel. Even without much sleep, I think he's the best baby ever! =)

Thursday, May 10, 2007

Week 1 in Review... by Evan

Hello to all my adoring fans out there in blogland

This first week of my life has been very exciting (although I don't have much to compare it to). I got to come home from the hospital on Saturday, which was a nice change. It's great to get to sleep without nurses coming in to check my temperature and blood glucose levels all the time.

My favorite things this week have been:
- Peeing thru my clothes, blankets, and sheets at least once or twice a day.
- Meeting my grandparents (Grandmommy and Granddaddy Mitchell came to visit me, and Grandmommy is still here helping Mommy.... and since I'm such a hip-techno baby, I had my first teleconference with Grandma and Grandpa Hunt on Day 3 via i-web.... Daddy was so proud)
- Having visits from Amanda, Brooke, and Justin was nice too. I can't wait to meet Adam and baby John someday.
- Making funny faces and squeaky sounds
- Being held while I fall asleep.
- Getting new clothes that fit... I was too small for the Newborn outfits Mommy had ready for me, so we had a shopping trip to Babies R Us.

My least favorite things were:
- The kitties licking my head... that makes me cry.
- Having wet or dirty diapers.... I scream like a banshee when that happens.
- Getting the hiccups after each feeding... what's that about? I used to get them a lot inside Mommy too... guess it's just me.

My new accomplishments:
- Well, pretty much everything is new, and I'm great at all of them.
- I keep my eyes open a lot more now than I did when I was younger, you know back in the early days. (and my eyes are a slate grey/blue color if you can't make that out in my picture)

Well, that's it for now.... Mommy says you can check out more pictures of me on the website Daddy made.... it's

A Note from Mommy: Happy First Week-a-versary Evan! You are such a sweet, snuggly baby!

Saturday, May 5, 2007

Evan Mitchell Hunt

Happy Birth Day!

Born: 5/3/2007, Thursday
At: 9:05 am
Weight: 6# 7oz
Length: 19 3/4 inches

Birth story (the brief version): Margo's blood pressure had been high for a couple weeks, and didn't improve a lot on bedrest, so the doctor recommended to proceed with an early induction to reduce the risks to the baby.

On Wednesday night, mom was admitted to the hospital for administration of Cytotec, a drug that helps to prep the cervix for delivery. By early the next morning (around 3am), her contractions were steady and about 2 minutes apart. Dad woke up to help mom focus and relax, and together they made it through the next several hours without drugs for either parent. =)

The doctors predicted the baby would be here around 5pm... but the baby had other ideas. By 7:30am mom was wanting to push (much to dad's and the nurse's surprise). The nurse, Jessica (who is now one of Bryan's favorite people), started calling the doctor to have her come to the hospital early.... but she ended up sending out a "Dr Stork" page to summon any available doctor to catch this baby, because before our doctor could get there, the baby was crowning. Our doctor did make it in time to put on gloves and coach the last big push.... but just barely.

Everyone is doing great, and mom and dad are so happy that Evan is here and is healthy.