Saturday, May 5, 2007

Evan Mitchell Hunt

Happy Birth Day!

Born: 5/3/2007, Thursday
At: 9:05 am
Weight: 6# 7oz
Length: 19 3/4 inches

Birth story (the brief version): Margo's blood pressure had been high for a couple weeks, and didn't improve a lot on bedrest, so the doctor recommended to proceed with an early induction to reduce the risks to the baby.

On Wednesday night, mom was admitted to the hospital for administration of Cytotec, a drug that helps to prep the cervix for delivery. By early the next morning (around 3am), her contractions were steady and about 2 minutes apart. Dad woke up to help mom focus and relax, and together they made it through the next several hours without drugs for either parent. =)

The doctors predicted the baby would be here around 5pm... but the baby had other ideas. By 7:30am mom was wanting to push (much to dad's and the nurse's surprise). The nurse, Jessica (who is now one of Bryan's favorite people), started calling the doctor to have her come to the hospital early.... but she ended up sending out a "Dr Stork" page to summon any available doctor to catch this baby, because before our doctor could get there, the baby was crowning. Our doctor did make it in time to put on gloves and coach the last big push.... but just barely.

Everyone is doing great, and mom and dad are so happy that Evan is here and is healthy.

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