Friday, August 3, 2007

Happy 3 Months!

Here's Evan in his Bumbo seat (thanks Dawn for the great present!) He's getting much better at sitting with assistance, and can help me cook from his seat on the island in the kitchen.

He's growing well... and according to the charts is at 50% for height and almost 50% for weight, which are higher than his percentages at 2 months, so we must be doing something right. He'll have the next official check at 4 months, but I sneaked a peak at his trends by weighing him on the cat scale at the vet clinic and getting out the tape measurer at home to check his length. I couldn't stand the suspense!

He's laughing more and has a better attention span. He'll even look at the pages on a book if he's in a good mood. Kind of fun to see his personality coming out..... no surprise here, but he's a laid-back kiddo. Definitely takes after Daddy in that department!

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