Armed with long wish lists and our running shoes, Mommy and I have been checking off who's been naughty and who's been nice. So far, everybody has been nice, except for Scarlet and Sapphire. They got an early present of "coal" in the form of a scatmat. It's a sheet of plastic that zaps them with a static charge when they go under the Christmas tree. We've lost a bunch of ornaments and had the lights all pulled down several times, so maybe this will help keep them out of the tree. Silly kitties.

This is my really cute Santa suit from Miss Kirsten, Mr. Bill, Arden and Nora.

And my "Baby's First Christmas" teddy bear from Miss Brooke, Mr. Justin, and John.
We hope you're having as much fun getting ready for Christmas as we are!
Ho Ho Ho!! Love, Santa Evan
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