Thursday, June 21, 2007

Week 7 in Review... by Evan

This week I got to meet my Aunt Lynda which was lots of fun. She held me a lot and even babysat me when mommy had some appointments. And, she likes to shop for cute things.... so I'm a lucky nephew. Grandma and Grandpa Mitchell came up too... to see Aunt Lynda and me. That was great, and Grandpa didn't have a cold this visit, so he held me for the first time too. I'm a lucky baby to have this many people love me.

This is my new blankie from Daddy's Great Aunt Norma. I'm snuggled down in my bassinet. This is an antique cuz my daddy slept in it as a baby too.... and he must be over 100 years old to be that tall. I hear my "aunt" Ronda and "uncle" Eric slept in it too, as did my "cousins" Tori, Ryan, Bailey, JD, and Sam. And Greatgrandpa Harvel gave it to daddy as a baby, so now it's back to me. Pretty cool.

My favorite things this week have been:
- Omeprazole...... that's Prilosec...... or as I call it.... Happy Tummy Medicine. I started this a few days ago and am much happier!
- Meeting Aunt Lynda and seeing my grandparents
- Mommy & Me yoga class

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