Thursday, June 14, 2007

Weeks 5 & 6 ... by Evan

Hello Everyone... sorry it's been a couple weeks since I've written, but Mom and I have been busy during the day, and I try to save some time for Dad at night. That's him in the picture... he's a good daddy and let's me sleep in his arms so mom can get some stuff done in the evenings.

This is a picture of me ready to go out shopping. I make an effort to sleep through all shopping trips cuz they're not as fun as mom thinks... but she seems to like it when I sleep thru those outings, so I guess it's a win-win situation.

My favorite things these weeks have been:
- Settling into a routine of feeding and naps (I'm still not a fan, but I can tell Mommy needs me to take a nap some days)
- Gaining head control... much easier to view the world if it doesn't bob out of view uncontrollably
- Grabbing at things... it seems these appendages may actually be mine and that I have some control over them... will have to work on that in the coming weeks

My least favorite things were:
- Spitting up.... apparently I have something called Reflux. It's no fun for me, except watching mommy & daddy say "ewwwww" and run for a burp cloth

My new accomplishments:
- See above... they're my favorites this week.

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