Friday, December 14, 2007

Weeks 32-33 in Review.... by Evan

Armed with long wish lists and our running shoes, Mommy and I have been checking off who's been naughty and who's been nice. So far, everybody has been nice, except for Scarlet and Sapphire. They got an early present of "coal" in the form of a scatmat. It's a sheet of plastic that zaps them with a static charge when they go under the Christmas tree. We've lost a bunch of ornaments and had the lights all pulled down several times, so maybe this will help keep them out of the tree. Silly kitties.

This is my really cute Santa suit from Miss Kirsten, Mr. Bill, Arden and Nora.

And my "Baby's First Christmas" teddy bear from Miss Brooke, Mr. Justin, and John.

We hope you're having as much fun getting ready for Christmas as we are!

Ho Ho Ho!! Love, Santa Evan

Sunday, December 2, 2007

Weeks 25-Month 7 in Review... by Evan

Wow... sorry it's been such a long time since I've posted. My daddy got a new computer and mommy & I can't do posts from the old computer, so we've finally just moved to daddy's computer to get things going. Plus, we've been very busy with daddy being on vacation for 3 weeks, one of which Grandmommy Mitchell shared, and another had Grandma & Grandpa Hunt, along with Greatgrandpa Harvel. Lots of good times, but unfortunately not a ton of pictures.... here are some of the highlights.

These are some of my favorite new toys, now that I can sit up.... soft blocks.

I'm helping dad in the woodshop. Safety First... gotta wear the goggles.

My grandmas worked hard to make this photo happen.... napping still isn't my greatest talent!

Here's a group photo of me, mommy, daddy, Grandma Hunt, Grandpa Hunt, and Greatgrandpa Harvel. Too bad we didn't get a group photo with Grandmommy and Granddaddy Mitchell while they were here... we'll have to do that over Christmas vacation.

Gobble Gobble Gobble.... what a turkey!

Happy baby

Dressed up for mommy & daddy's church Christmas party

See you soon (really, I promise)

Thursday, October 18, 2007

Weeks 23 & 24 in Review... by Evan

My grandmommy Mitchell came to visit last week. We played together a lot... here's one of us on the couch, I was too busy to look at the camera.

I'm getting better at sitting all the time. I do best when the kitties aren't around and you don't talk to me.... those things still make me fall over. I've been trying new foods too... Rice, Bananas, Avocado... next is sweet potatoes. I always make a yucky face with something new, but that's for mom's benefit... i eat everything, so I guess she'll soon realize I like it and the face is just for fun.

Here's my Halloween preview.... RRRRoarrrr!!!!

Wednesday, October 10, 2007

My New Friend

I have a new friend!
This is John Marshall Huling.... my littlest buddy and GodBrother (if there is such a thing)... His mommy & daddy are my Godparents, and my mommy is fixin to be his GodMother.

He's cute and all, but little babies sure don't do much... I'm trying to get his attention over here....

Hello? John? Don't you want to play with me?

Oh, I give up... I'll ham it up for the camera instead.

Thursday, October 4, 2007

Weeks 21 & 22 in Review... by Evan

Sitting, Eating, and Grandparents....

These weeks have been fun for me. I started learning to sit up. This picture is when mommy propped me up and I was sitting all by myself for a few seconds... she ran to get the camera, and I almost squashed Scarlet falling over. Oh well, I'll keep practicing that one til Mommy can get a real picture

I decided it was time to start eating some real food.... Over the weekend, Grandma, Grandpa, Mommy, Daddy, and I went out for bbq. As soon as Mommy had her food, I smacked my left hand down in her mashed potatoes, and my right in her mac-n-cheese, just to get my message across... "I'm ready to try new food." What they gave me was really boring... rice cereal... I liked the cheesy stuff better!

We had a very nice visit with Grandma and Grandpa Hunt who came down from Kansas to see us. I liked playing with them so much, that I decided not to nap the whole time they were here.... back to my old tricks. To be nice to Mommy, I took a 2 hour nap on Monday once they left, and have been taking a couple short naps a day to get back on track. So much for the sleep book mommy read, I'm not buying it!

Off for another week of adventures. Thanks for stopping by.....

Wednesday, October 3, 2007

Happy 5 Months!

Can you believe Evan is 5 months old? We can't! Looking back at the past posts, it's fun to watch him growing. Day to day, of course, we don't appreciate the changes, but they're certainly there! He's getting to be a big baby!

In the last month, he's become more vocal, interested in food, he's outgrowing most of his 3-6 month clothes (if they're one-piece outfits), and likes petting the kitties. Can't wait to see what he learns next month.

Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Weeks 19 & 20 in Review... by Evan

Whoop (or am I too young to whoop?) It's football season, and I already love staring at the big tv with football on. Mom says it's scary, Dad says I'm just a boy... oh, I love the remote control too... all those buttons!

Everything goes in my mouth this week, and/or I am sucking on my bottom lip, so Mom has found it hard to get a good picture of me. Oh well, that's the phase and I'm sticking to it. Who knows, maybe this means I'll get teeth sometime soon (although Mom tells me this can go on for months before those white things invade your mouth)

"I'm Tall like Daddy" Gotta duck to go thru the doors in this house... I don't know how Dad does it.

No big adventures this week... oh, and Mom & I had a cold last week, so there weren't many pictures (who wants to capture that image on film?)

Thursday, September 6, 2007

Week 18 in Review... by Evan

So, Mommy has created a Nap Monster... aka Me. I won't sleep unless snuggled up to her or nursing. She wishes I will break that habit soon, but I got news for her! Why would I want to give up a good thing? Ok, maybe I'll entertain the napping solo idea, but she's gonna have to get more creative than just my crib... been there, done that!

This is my latest play date picture... Me, Annabelle, and Anderson (Dane was eating... big surprise!) =)

Thursday, August 30, 2007

Weeks 16 & 17 in Review... by Evan

As always, I'm loving standing.... I may skip that crawling thing and go straight to cruising at this rate. Who knows!

It would be better if those pix above were a movie, so you could actually see me rolling over, but I can do it now (sometimes)... I've been caught going front to back and back to front. But, of course I can't go a full 360 (that's too advanced at this point)... besides, then I'd have no reason to scream out for assistance like I enjoy doing once I've completed a roll.

Sunday, August 19, 2007


Evan received his first sacrament, Holy Baptism, today. It was a beautiful ceremony and very personal, as he was the only baby Baptized this week.

Deacon Tom performed the service and our good friends Brooke & Justin Huling are Evan's proud Godparents.

The event was witnessed by many friends and family... Grandmommy Mitchell, cousin Martha, Kirsten, Bill, and Nora Cutshall, Amanda Venton, Staci Greb, Alyssa Brown, Michelle & Charlie Forton, Dave Krueger, Jennifer, Thad, and Gracie Stehling, Shandell Burgess, and Erin Forsyth. Evan is a lucky baby to have all these friends and family, and others who couldn't make it, welcome him into the Body of Christ.

After the service, everyone came to our house for icecream sundaes to continue the celebration.

Congratulations Evan!

Monday, August 13, 2007

Week 15 in Review... by Evan

Mommy worked at the vet clinic this weekend so I stayed home to play with daddy. He needs someone to keep him company, and I do a great job! Getting ready for my Baptism this weekend... better run, got lots to do!

Thursday, August 9, 2007

Week 14 in Review... by Evan

This week I went swimming (but Mommy forgot the camera). The neighborhood pool is close by and there's hardly anybody there at the same time as us, so it's like having our own pool but without the hassle. Mari and Dane came with us to the pool the day that I went swimming. Hopefully next time we'll get a picture.

We've been playing in the yard some, but it went from raining all the time to 100-degrees, so those play times are short. Someday, maybe I can have a sandbox out here to play with the kitties (but they're not allowed in it, cuz they'll think it's a potty). Ok, that was icky, but true!

Bye for now!

Friday, August 3, 2007

Happy 3 Months!

Here's Evan in his Bumbo seat (thanks Dawn for the great present!) He's getting much better at sitting with assistance, and can help me cook from his seat on the island in the kitchen.

He's growing well... and according to the charts is at 50% for height and almost 50% for weight, which are higher than his percentages at 2 months, so we must be doing something right. He'll have the next official check at 4 months, but I sneaked a peak at his trends by weighing him on the cat scale at the vet clinic and getting out the tape measurer at home to check his length. I couldn't stand the suspense!

He's laughing more and has a better attention span. He'll even look at the pages on a book if he's in a good mood. Kind of fun to see his personality coming out..... no surprise here, but he's a laid-back kiddo. Definitely takes after Daddy in that department!

Thursday, August 2, 2007

Week 13 in Review... by Evan

Well, another week has gone by. This past one was pretty low-key for Mommy and me. Mostly, we just hung around the house and ran errands... not nearly as exciting as last week was (but that will be hard to top!)

I'm getting into the swing of things and am on a schedule now (although Mommy pretty much let's me change that whenever I want.)

Thursday, July 26, 2007

Week 12 in Review... by Evan

This week Mommy, Granddaddy, and I pulled off the greatest surprise. Mommy & I went down to Houston Saturday while Grandmommy was at her church retreat. The three of us went to a candlelight ceremony during the retreat and surprised her... well "shocked" her might be a better description. She was so happy to see me that I talked Mommy into staying in Houston til Tuesday so I could get as much special Grandmommy love as possible.

Last week I also had my first playdate with my buddies... Dane, (me), Annabelle, and Anderson.... we're all only days apart in age, so it'll be fun to have lots more playtime through the years.

See ya next time!

Thursday, July 19, 2007

Week 11 in Review... by Evan


Another fun week has gone by. We've had a week of friends... had dinner with Sara, Fred, Julia, Oscar, and Rick on Tuesday and yesterday spent all day with Mari & Dane - walking, swimming, and catching up. It's a lot of fun for me and for Mommy.

I'm getting better at taking my naps and slept from 9pm-6am last night ---- that's a record and Mommy enjoyed the uninterrupted sleep (but missed out nighttime chat). In addition to sleeping more, I'm continuing to be more alert and notice my toys, people, and kitties. More fun for everyone!

See you soon!

Thursday, July 12, 2007

Weeks 9 & 10 ... by Evan

Mommy & I have been busy hanging out again these past couple weeks. We run errands and go on long walks around the neighborhood. And, Daddy took some days off around the 4th of July, so I got to play with him then too.

I'm smiling a lot, laughing, and mimicking sounds... so I'm definitely more fun for Mommy & Daddy (not to mention the friends and neighbors). My favorite activity is the musical/lights bouncy seat that my friend Adam loaned me. What else is new? Mom is planning my baptism for Aug 19th... so mark your calendars for that!

That's it for now... talk to you soon~

Tuesday, July 3, 2007

Wow! I'm 2 Months Old!!

Time to celebrate.... I'm 2 months old. So far, so good! The time has flown by!

Thursday, June 28, 2007

Week 8 in Review... by Evan

This morning I had my first round of vaccines.... and I cried.... REAL TEARS... that's a first for me. :-( So, I had to take a very long nap to get over the trauma.

I guess this means I'm growing up. Two months is just around the corner. Where has the time gone? I weigh 10# 12oz which puts me in the 25% for weight (but the charts are based on formula-fed-only babies, so I should be smaller than them!). For height, I'm in the 45% at 22.5in.

We've been getting a ton of rain lately, so I haven't gotten to play outside much... but hopefully I'll get to soon. For now... I'll practice riding my "innertube" in case it floods.....

Thursday, June 21, 2007

Week 7 in Review... by Evan

This week I got to meet my Aunt Lynda which was lots of fun. She held me a lot and even babysat me when mommy had some appointments. And, she likes to shop for cute things.... so I'm a lucky nephew. Grandma and Grandpa Mitchell came up too... to see Aunt Lynda and me. That was great, and Grandpa didn't have a cold this visit, so he held me for the first time too. I'm a lucky baby to have this many people love me.

This is my new blankie from Daddy's Great Aunt Norma. I'm snuggled down in my bassinet. This is an antique cuz my daddy slept in it as a baby too.... and he must be over 100 years old to be that tall. I hear my "aunt" Ronda and "uncle" Eric slept in it too, as did my "cousins" Tori, Ryan, Bailey, JD, and Sam. And Greatgrandpa Harvel gave it to daddy as a baby, so now it's back to me. Pretty cool.

My favorite things this week have been:
- Omeprazole...... that's Prilosec...... or as I call it.... Happy Tummy Medicine. I started this a few days ago and am much happier!
- Meeting Aunt Lynda and seeing my grandparents
- Mommy & Me yoga class

Thursday, June 14, 2007

Weeks 5 & 6 ... by Evan

Hello Everyone... sorry it's been a couple weeks since I've written, but Mom and I have been busy during the day, and I try to save some time for Dad at night. That's him in the picture... he's a good daddy and let's me sleep in his arms so mom can get some stuff done in the evenings.

This is a picture of me ready to go out shopping. I make an effort to sleep through all shopping trips cuz they're not as fun as mom thinks... but she seems to like it when I sleep thru those outings, so I guess it's a win-win situation.

My favorite things these weeks have been:
- Settling into a routine of feeding and naps (I'm still not a fan, but I can tell Mommy needs me to take a nap some days)
- Gaining head control... much easier to view the world if it doesn't bob out of view uncontrollably
- Grabbing at things... it seems these appendages may actually be mine and that I have some control over them... will have to work on that in the coming weeks

My least favorite things were:
- Spitting up.... apparently I have something called Reflux. It's no fun for me, except watching mommy & daddy say "ewwwww" and run for a burp cloth

My new accomplishments:
- See above... they're my favorites this week.

Sunday, June 3, 2007

Evan is 1 Month Old!!!

Happy 1 Month Bday little guy!
Sleep while you can... the next month should be amazing!

Thursday, May 31, 2007

Week 4 in Review... by Evan

It's been one of those weeks, doesn't my face say it all? All of Mommy's friends are reassuring her this is part of those phases babies go thru... crying, gasy, the works.... not all the typical stuff of colic... but enough to make Mommy wonder. It's not much fun for me either, but I think Mom actually gets more upset than me by the crying.

Let's see, other than being cranky, what have I done this last week? My Grandparents were here last week and left on Monday. It was great to have them here, and they really helped out Mommy by holding me, taking care of the house and making meals.

More folks from church brought us dinners too, which Mom & Dad really seemed to like.

My favorite things this week have been:
- Swinging in the hammock with Mommy
- Long walks, short walks... anything outside
- BBQing with the Hulings for Memorial Day

My least favorite things were:
- Tummy pain

My new accomplishments:
- My Aunt Lynda & Uncle Ed will hate this.... but sometimes I make a little "hook 'em horns" sign... trust me it's involuntary, but I need to figure out a "Gig 'em" soon or I may be disowned by them. =)

Mommy's Turn............ I can't believe it's been 4 weeks already! Wow! What a ride.

Friday, May 25, 2007

Week 3 in Review... by Evan

Last week, I worked really hard at not letting Mommy sleep, but this week I've been perfecting it. No napping either. Ha~ Ok, I'm not really out to get her, but some days she probably thinks I am. Truth is, I just have so much fun having her all to myself now that it's just the 2 of us during the day, that I don't want to miss out on anything. Grandma & Grandpa Hunt showed up yesterday, so I guess I'll have to nap and be the little Angel that Mommy says I have been.

This week, mommy and daddy bought me my first new car. Ok, they say I'm too young to drive, but I'm very talented already, I'm sure it won't be long til I'm cruzin the hood!

My favorite things this week have been:
- Driving my new Prius (don't tell Mom and Dad.... they think I'm too young)
- Meeting Grandma and Grandpa Hunt in person
- Having visits from lots of our church buddies..... they brought dinners for Mom & Dad.... which made them very happy and grateful to have such wonderful friends
- Eating every 2 hours.... I feel a growth spurt coming on!

My least favorite things were:
- Naps.... who needs them when you're a big boy like me?
- A trip to the mall with mommy.... I'm definitely "all boy" and hate shopping.... but shopping for a car was different, that's ok for us boys to like!

My new accomplishments:
- I was 7# 6oz at my "2 week" appointment last Friday. Since my birth weight was only 6# 7oz, that's a big gain in a short time. No wonder I look a little chunky in these pictures.... oh wait, only girls worry about their weight.
- Still working at holding up my head.... it's a big melon on a little stalk, but I'll get control of it soon.
- I rolled from my back to my tummy this week.... but Mom thinks it was an accident, cuz she left me on the couch and I rolled toward the cushions... gravity may have played a bigger role in that than I did.