Thursday, May 17, 2007

Week 2 in Review... by Evan

Hi again~
Sorry about the sideways picture, but Mommy still hasn't figured out the glitch, so that's what we get. As you can see, I've graduated to the Big Boy Bathtub and had my first real bath today now that my belly button (among other things) is completely healed.

This week has been fun for me, cuz I've found out that Mommy will stay up with me at night as long as I want her to. The way I found this out, is I started getting really hungry at night, and waking her up every couple hours. It takes me about an hour to eat, then I sleep an hour (or less if I really want attention), then I wake her up for more food. Luckily, I'm so cute that she puts up with my shenanigans. I usually give in and let her have a nap later in the morning... just to keep her sane. =)

My favorite things this week have been:
- Keeping Mommy up at night.
- Playing outside in the grass with the kitties (well, they play with me while I lay there)
- Meeting Mommy & Daddy's friends who have brought us dinners this week. Thanks!
- Celebrating Mommy's first Mother's Day. I gave her a beautiful emerald necklace and matching earrings cuz that's my birthstone. Daddy said it would make her cry, and he was right. Score one for the Boys!

I was such a happy baby this week, that I can't think of any least favorites....

My new accomplishments:
- I'm starting to try to hold my head up.... not quite successful yet, but I try.
- I'm eating like a champ.... tomorrow I go to the pediatrician to see if I've gotten bigger yet!

A Note from Mommy: Evan is such a sweet angel. Even without much sleep, I think he's the best baby ever! =)

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