Friday, May 25, 2007

Week 3 in Review... by Evan

Last week, I worked really hard at not letting Mommy sleep, but this week I've been perfecting it. No napping either. Ha~ Ok, I'm not really out to get her, but some days she probably thinks I am. Truth is, I just have so much fun having her all to myself now that it's just the 2 of us during the day, that I don't want to miss out on anything. Grandma & Grandpa Hunt showed up yesterday, so I guess I'll have to nap and be the little Angel that Mommy says I have been.

This week, mommy and daddy bought me my first new car. Ok, they say I'm too young to drive, but I'm very talented already, I'm sure it won't be long til I'm cruzin the hood!

My favorite things this week have been:
- Driving my new Prius (don't tell Mom and Dad.... they think I'm too young)
- Meeting Grandma and Grandpa Hunt in person
- Having visits from lots of our church buddies..... they brought dinners for Mom & Dad.... which made them very happy and grateful to have such wonderful friends
- Eating every 2 hours.... I feel a growth spurt coming on!

My least favorite things were:
- Naps.... who needs them when you're a big boy like me?
- A trip to the mall with mommy.... I'm definitely "all boy" and hate shopping.... but shopping for a car was different, that's ok for us boys to like!

My new accomplishments:
- I was 7# 6oz at my "2 week" appointment last Friday. Since my birth weight was only 6# 7oz, that's a big gain in a short time. No wonder I look a little chunky in these pictures.... oh wait, only girls worry about their weight.
- Still working at holding up my head.... it's a big melon on a little stalk, but I'll get control of it soon.
- I rolled from my back to my tummy this week.... but Mom thinks it was an accident, cuz she left me on the couch and I rolled toward the cushions... gravity may have played a bigger role in that than I did.

1 comment:

Thomas said...

Evan, I hated naps for a week or so about your age too, but I eventually learned they're not so bad and you have much more fun playing when you have had your rest.
God Bless,