Thursday, May 31, 2007

Week 4 in Review... by Evan

It's been one of those weeks, doesn't my face say it all? All of Mommy's friends are reassuring her this is part of those phases babies go thru... crying, gasy, the works.... not all the typical stuff of colic... but enough to make Mommy wonder. It's not much fun for me either, but I think Mom actually gets more upset than me by the crying.

Let's see, other than being cranky, what have I done this last week? My Grandparents were here last week and left on Monday. It was great to have them here, and they really helped out Mommy by holding me, taking care of the house and making meals.

More folks from church brought us dinners too, which Mom & Dad really seemed to like.

My favorite things this week have been:
- Swinging in the hammock with Mommy
- Long walks, short walks... anything outside
- BBQing with the Hulings for Memorial Day

My least favorite things were:
- Tummy pain

My new accomplishments:
- My Aunt Lynda & Uncle Ed will hate this.... but sometimes I make a little "hook 'em horns" sign... trust me it's involuntary, but I need to figure out a "Gig 'em" soon or I may be disowned by them. =)

Mommy's Turn............ I can't believe it's been 4 weeks already! Wow! What a ride.

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