Thursday, May 10, 2007

Week 1 in Review... by Evan

Hello to all my adoring fans out there in blogland

This first week of my life has been very exciting (although I don't have much to compare it to). I got to come home from the hospital on Saturday, which was a nice change. It's great to get to sleep without nurses coming in to check my temperature and blood glucose levels all the time.

My favorite things this week have been:
- Peeing thru my clothes, blankets, and sheets at least once or twice a day.
- Meeting my grandparents (Grandmommy and Granddaddy Mitchell came to visit me, and Grandmommy is still here helping Mommy.... and since I'm such a hip-techno baby, I had my first teleconference with Grandma and Grandpa Hunt on Day 3 via i-web.... Daddy was so proud)
- Having visits from Amanda, Brooke, and Justin was nice too. I can't wait to meet Adam and baby John someday.
- Making funny faces and squeaky sounds
- Being held while I fall asleep.
- Getting new clothes that fit... I was too small for the Newborn outfits Mommy had ready for me, so we had a shopping trip to Babies R Us.

My least favorite things were:
- The kitties licking my head... that makes me cry.
- Having wet or dirty diapers.... I scream like a banshee when that happens.
- Getting the hiccups after each feeding... what's that about? I used to get them a lot inside Mommy too... guess it's just me.

My new accomplishments:
- Well, pretty much everything is new, and I'm great at all of them.
- I keep my eyes open a lot more now than I did when I was younger, you know back in the early days. (and my eyes are a slate grey/blue color if you can't make that out in my picture)

Well, that's it for now.... Mommy says you can check out more pictures of me on the website Daddy made.... it's

A Note from Mommy: Happy First Week-a-versary Evan! You are such a sweet, snuggly baby!

1 comment:

Lynda S said...

What a smart boy you are, Evan! Not that I had any doubt! I can't wait to meet you next month & start spoiling you rotten. After all, that's what aunts do. Be good for Mommy & Daddy. I love you! Love, Aunt Lynda